Who is Vladimir Putin?

The meaning of the name Vladimir is “To rule with greatness; Peaceful ruler; Ruler of the world” and it comes from a Slavic/Russian origin. Vladimir is pronounced vlah-DEE-meer. While the name Putin means “belonging to the way/road, someone who goes along the way” and it is pronounced POO-tyin.

Who is Vladimir Putin?

Vladimir Putin, in full Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, (born October 7, 1952, Leningrad, Russia, U.S.S.R.
[now St. Petersburg, Russia]).Putin studied law at Leningrad State University, where his tutor was Anatoly Sobchak, later one of the leading reform politicians of the perestroika period. Putin served 15 years as a foreign intelligence officer for the KGB (Committee for State Security), including six years in Dresden, East Germany.




The meaning of the name Vladimir is “To rule with greatness; Peaceful ruler; Ruler of the world” and it comes from a Slavic/Russian origin. Vladimir is pronounced vlah-DEE-meer.


While the name Putin means “belonging to the way/road, someone who goes along the way” and it is
pronounced POO-tyin.

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In 1990, Vladimir Putin retired from active KGB service with the rank of lieutenant colonel and returned to Russia to become prorector of Leningrad State University with responsibility for the institution’s external relations. Soon afterward Putin became an adviser to Sobchak, the first democratically elected mayor of St. Petersburg.

He quickly won Sobchak’s confidence and became known for his ability to get things done; by 1994 he
had risen to the post of first deputy mayor.

Vladimir Putin is currently serving as President of Russia. Elected to his current and fourth presidential term in May 2018, Putin has led the Russian Federation as either its prime minister, acting president, or president since 1999. Long considered an equal of the President of the United States in holding one of the world’s most powerful public offices, Putin has aggressively exerted Russia’s influence and political policy around the world.

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